

Cyber Security is the practice of Protecting computers, mobile devices, Servers, electronic Systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It’s also known as Information Security (INFOSEC), Information Assurance (IA), or System Security. Cyber Security is important because the government, Corporate, medical organizations collect, military, financial, process, and store the unprecedented amount of data on a computer and other property, personal information, or exposure could have negative consequences.

Cyber Security proper began in 1972 with a research project on ARPANET (The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), a precursor to the internet. ARPANET developed protocols for remote computer networking. Example – If we shop from any online shopping website and share information like email id, address, and credit card details as well as saved on that website to enable a faster and hassle-free shopping experience, then the required information is stored on a server one day we receive an email which state that the eligibility for a special discount voucher from XXXXX (hacker use famous website Name like Flipkart, Amazon, etc.) website to receive the coupon code, and we will be asked to fill the details then we will use saved card account credentials. Then our data will be shared because we think it was just an account for the verification step, then they can wipe a substantial amount of money from our account.

That is why Cyber Security provides services as a Security Gate-Way to make information more Secure; in today’s time, hackers are advanced. We can’t surely say whether the data stored in my Devices is safe from outside threats. With Cybercrime increasing rapidly, it’s crucial to have Cyber Security in place in our personal life and our Business.

Types of Cybersecurity

Application Security
  1. Most of the Apps that we use on our Cell-phone are Secured and work under the rules and regulations of the Google Play Store.

  2. There are 1.85 million different apps available for users to download. When we have other choices, this does not mean that all apps are safe.

  3. Many of the apps pretend to be safe, but after taking all information from us, the app users share information in money with the 3rd-party as well app stop working. Suddenly this comes under Cyberattack.

  4. The app must be installed from a trust-worthy platform, not from Google Chrome.

Network Security
  1. Guard your internal network against outside threats with increased network security.

  2. Sometimes we used to utilize free Wi-Fi in public areas such as cafes, Malls, etc. With this activity, 3rd Party starts tracking your Phone over the internet. If you are using any payment gateway, then your bank account can be Empty.

  3. So, avoid using Free Network because free network Doesn’t support Securities.

Cloud Security
  1. Cloud base data storage has become a popular option over the last decade. It enhances privacy and saves data on the cloud, making it excess able from any device but needs correct authentication.

  2. Some Famous platforms are Google Drive, Microsoft Cloud, Dropbox, etc.

  3. These platforms are free to some extent if we want to save more data than we have to pay.

  4. AWS is also a new Technique that helps to run your business over the internet and provides security to your data

Mobile Security
  1. Mobile is the very common gadgets we use daily, everything we excess is by mobile phone online class then the mobile phone, Call to the client then the mobile phone, sending money need a mobile phone and many more.

  2. The mobile phones made our life so easy only with a single touch we can be excess news from another country. Then this mobile phone must come under all security patches.

  3. We must lock all the payment applications by phone in-built app as well never share your phone password except with your family.

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