D365 for Marketing

D365 for Marketing

​Dynamics 365 Marketing was the first purpose-built marketing software to fall under the Dynamics 365 umbrella, and it provides assistance with both the creative and data-driven aspects of marketing. Its range of tools allow users to monitor potential leads, set up and maintain automated campaigns across different channels, organize events, and track the performance of various strategies.

Microsoft designed Dynamics 365 Marketing to be fully integrated with Dynamics 365 for Sales, as well as the customer service and business intelligence solutions. This means that all aspects of your business automation services will share data, allowing for better feedback and more efficiency, with digital marketing strategies targeted more directly at potential leads, both old and new.

Dynamics 365 Marketing features

The core features of Dynamics 365 for Marketing allow you to have full control over your digital marketing strategy, and to integrate it effectively with every other aspect of your business.

Email & website creation

The email communications that you send out to your leads and potential customers can be created and customized from within Dynamics 365 Marketing. A drag-and-drop interface allows easy building of professional emails, based on a range of different templates. Each template is designed to look good across all devices, platforms, and email clients. There’s also an integrated HTML editor, so anyone with the coding expertise can make important tweaks to the layout and appearance of the emails. After the messages have been sent out, extensive data is centralized about when and if they’ve been opened, interacted with, forwarded, etc. These results can be effectively displayed with heatmaps and other advanced visualizations.

Similar to the email editor is a web editor, which allows you to create customized landing pages and other marketing content for your website. Mailing list subscriptions and other types of information obtained from forms in these pages can be captured directly into your Dynamics 365 database.

Customer journeys

The core marketing features of the software allow for the creation and implementation of strategies aimed at particular customers or groups of customers. Here, the concept of a “customer journey” is visualized, to give a clearer idea of how this process will happen. Users of Dynamics 365 Marketing can use a simple drag-and-drop interface to build a step-by-step journey for their potential customers, or just use one of the templates provided.

For example, you might want to aim a specific marketing strategy at anyone who has visited a particular page on your website. You can use your Dynamics 365 database to find this group of contacts, and add them to the campaign. Next, you could choose to send out an email to all these contacts, and create specific trigger rules that determine when and how this will be sent out. Further steps could be set up to send out follow-up messages at specific times, or after specific interactions. The paths will branch out according to what you know about the customer, and what actions they have taken. In this way, the software allows you to easily build personalized customer journeys, nurturing these leads and encouraging them towards a sale. By aligning your marketing with your sales, you will be able to increase productivity and simplify collaboration towards your organization.

Customer journey allows you to collect a lot of data from your clients. You will be able to have a better visualization of your data on the Dynamics 365 Marketing dashboards. With these analyses, you will be able to improve your marketing effectiveness and to make more data-driven decisions.


Organizing in-person events or online meetings like webinars can be a key part of marketing and sales, allowing you to have more direct contact with your leads. Dynamics 365’s events management features allow these to be integrated more directly into your overall strategy, and managed more efficiently. Every aspect of events can be handled by Dynamics 365 Marketing, such as:

  • Initial planning and budgeting. There’s a step-by-step guide for those who haven’t planned events before, as well as important tools that help with registration, contacts, and attendance management. Venues and accommodation reservations can be handled from within the platform, as can bookings for speakers, and scheduling.

  • Promotion and publication. A fully functional website can be set up for the event, with important information taken directly from your schedules. Guests can also register themselves, and this information will be relayed back to you.

  • Webinar/simulcast creation. In partnership with ON24, the software also includes features that allow you to set up and run webinars and other online events, while also obtaining important metrics.

  • Evaluation. After the event is over, you can track the activities of attendees, and use various metrics to analyze the effectiveness and ROI of your events, as well as tracking the generation of any new leads.

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