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AI in Fusion Apps- What's New and Next

AI in Fusion Apps: What's New and Next

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate and deliver value to their customers. Oracle Fusion Applications, the most comprehensive suite of cloud applications in the market, leverages AI to provide intelligent and personalized experiences, automate processes, and optimize outcomes across various domains such as finance, human resources, supply chain, customer experience, and more.

In this blog post, we will highlight some of the new and upcoming AI capabilities in Oracle Fusion Applications that enable organizations to become more agile, efficient, and innovative.

AI-Powered Conversational Interfaces

One of the ways that AI enhances the user experience in Fusion Applications is by enabling natural and intuitive conversational interfaces. Users can interact with Fusion Applications using voice or text, and get answers to their questions, perform tasks, or access insights without navigating complex menus or screens.

For example, Oracle Digital Assistant, a platform that allows building and deploying enterprise-grade chatbots, integrates with Fusion Applications to provide conversational access to various functions such as expense reporting, time entry, approvals, etc. Users can simply ask the digital assistant to create an expense report, submit a time card, approve a requisition, or check the status of an invoice, and get the job done quickly and easily.

Another example is Oracle Voice, a mobile app that allows users to interact with Fusion Applications using voice commands. Users can speak naturally to the app and get voice responses from Fusion Applications. For instance, users can ask Oracle Voice to show them their sales pipeline, create a new opportunity, update a contact, or schedule a meeting, and the app will execute the actions accordingly.

AI-Driven Process Automation

Another way that AI improves the user experience in Fusion Applications is by automating tedious and repetitive tasks, freeing up users' time for more strategic and creative work. AI can also augment human decision making by providing recommendations and guidance based on data and analytics.

For example, Oracle Adaptive Intelligent Apps (AI Apps) are a set of pre-built AI solutions that integrate with Fusion Applications to deliver smart and adaptive functionality across various domains. AI Apps use machine learning and data from Oracle Data Cloud to provide personalized and contextual recommendations, predictions, and insights that help users optimize their business processes and outcomes.

Some of the AI Apps that are available or planned for Fusion Applications include:

  • AI Apps for Finance: These apps help finance professionals improve cash flow, increase profitability, reduce costs, and enhance compliance. For instance, AI Apps for Finance can provide intelligent payment discounts, optimize supplier terms, detect anomalies in transactions, predict cash flow, and recommend best actions for collections.
  • AI Apps for Human Resources: These apps help HR professionals attract, retain, and develop talent, as well as improve employee engagement and productivity. For example, AI Apps for Human Resources can provide smart candidate sourcing, intelligent job matching, personalized learning recommendations, proactive career coaching, and sentiment analysis.
  • AI Apps for Supply Chain Management: These apps help supply chain professionals optimize inventory levels, reduce costs, improve service levels, and mitigate risks. For instance, AI Apps for Supply Chain Management can provide demand forecasting, inventory optimization, supplier risk analysis, smart manufacturing insights, and predictive maintenance.
  • AI Apps for Customer Experience: These apps help sales, marketing, and service professionals deliver personalized and consistent customer experiences across channels. For example, AI Apps for Customer Experience can provide next-best offers,

See the Future of Fusion Apps at Oracle CloudWorld

Future of Fusion Apps at Oracle CloudWorld

Oracle CloudWorld is a series of events that showcase Oracle's vision and strategy for cloud computing. Oracle Fusion Applications are a key part of this vision, as they offer a complete, integrated, and intelligent suite of applications that run on the Oracle Cloud.

In this blog post, we will highlight some of the features and benefits of Oracle Fusion Applications, and how they can help you transform your business and achieve your goals.

What are Oracle Fusion Applications?

Oracle Fusion Applications are a set of cloud-based applications that span across various domains, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), human capital management (HCM), customer experience (CX), supply chain management (SCM), and more. They are designed to work together seamlessly, as well as with other Oracle and third-party applications.

Oracle Fusion Applications are built on a common platform that leverages the latest technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT), and chatbots. These technologies enable Oracle Fusion Applications to deliver smart insights, automate processes, enhance user experience, and improve security and compliance.

Why choose Oracle Fusion Applications?

Oracle Fusion Applications offer many advantages over traditional applications, such as:

  • Flexibility: You can choose the deployment model that suits your needs, whether it is public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, or on-premises. You can also customize and extend your applications using low-code or no-code tools, without compromising the upgradeability or security of your applications.
  • Scalability: You can scale your applications up or down as your business needs change, without worrying about infrastructure or performance issues. You can also take advantage of Oracle's global network of data centers and regions to ensure optimal performance and availability for your applications.
  • Innovation: You can benefit from the continuous innovation and updates that Oracle delivers for its cloud applications, without disrupting your business operations or requiring costly upgrades. You can also access new features and capabilities that are driven by customer feedback and industry trends.
  • Integration: You can integrate your applications with other Oracle and third-party applications using pre-built connectors, APIs, and services. You can also leverage Oracle's unified data model and analytics platform to gain a holistic view of your business data and performance across your applications.
  • Value: You can reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO) and increase your return on investment (ROI) by using Oracle's cloud applications. You can also take advantage of Oracle's flexible pricing models and subscription plans that fit your budget and business needs.

How to get started with Oracle Fusion Applications?

If you are interested in learning more about Oracle Fusion Applications and how they can help you achieve your business goals, you can attend one of the Oracle CloudWorld events that are happening around the world. You can also visit the Oracle website to explore the different application domains and solutions that Oracle offers.

You can also request a free trial or a demo of Oracle Fusion Applications to see them in action and experience their features and benefits firsthand. You can also contact an Oracle representative or partner to discuss your specific business needs and challenges, and find out how Oracle Fusion Applications can address them.

Oracle Fusion Applications are the future of cloud computing. They offer a complete, integrated, and intelligent suite of applications that run on the Oracle Cloud. They can help you transform your business and achieve your goals. Don't miss this opportunity to see the future at Oracle CloudWorld.

New in AI - What's Available Now and What's Coming

New in AI What's Available Now and What's Coming

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the world of business and creating new opportunities for innovation and growth. AI can help organizations improve their efficiency, productivity, customer satisfaction, and competitive edge. But what are the latest developments in AI and how can you leverage them for your business?

In this blog post, we will explore some of the current and upcoming trends in AI, such as:

  • Natural language processing (NLP): NLP is the ability of machines to understand and generate natural language, such as speech and text. NLP can enable applications such as chatbots, voice assistants, sentiment analysis, document summarization, and more. NLP is becoming more advanced and capable of handling complex tasks, such as conversational AI, natural language understanding, and natural language generation.
  • Computer vision: Computer vision is the ability of machines to perceive and interpret visual information, such as images and videos. Computer vision can enable applications such as face recognition, object detection, scene understanding, augmented reality, and more. Computer vision is becoming more accurate and robust, thanks to deep learning techniques and large-scale datasets.
  • Machine learning (ML): ML is the ability of machines to learn from data and improve their performance without explicit programming. ML can enable applications such as recommendation systems, anomaly detection, fraud prevention, predictive analytics, and more. ML is becoming more accessible and scalable, thanks to cloud computing platforms and automated machine learning tools.
  • Reinforcement learning (RL): RL is a type of machine learning that involves learning from trial and error by interacting with an environment. RL can enable applications such as autonomous vehicles, robotics, gaming, and more. RL is becoming more feasible and efficient, thanks to advances in simulation environments, algorithms, and hardware.
  • Generative adversarial networks (GANs): GANs are a type of neural network that involves two competing models: a generator that creates fake data and a discriminator that tries to distinguish between real and fake data. GANs can enable applications such as image synthesis, style transfer, super-resolution, and more. GANs are becoming more realistic and diverse, thanks to improvements in architecture design, loss functions, and regularization techniques.

These are just some of the examples of how AI is evolving and impacting various domains and industries. AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a collection of tools and techniques that can be customized and integrated for different use cases and scenarios.

How ERP Data Can Enhance Customer Experience

ERP Data Can Enhance Customer Experience

Customer experience (CX) is a key factor that influences customer loyalty, retention, and satisfaction. However, many businesses struggle to deliver consistent and personalized CX across different channels and touchpoints. One of the reasons is the lack of integration and alignment between their enterprise resource planning (ERP) and CX systems.

ERP data is the backbone of any business, as it contains vital information about products, services, inventory, orders, invoices, suppliers, and more. By leveraging ERP data in CX applications, businesses can:

  • Streamline and automate processes across the customer journey, such as order fulfillment, billing, shipping, and service requests.
  • Provide accurate and timely information to customers, such as product availability, delivery status, payment options, and service history.
  • Offer personalized recommendations and offers based on customer preferences, behavior, and purchase history.
  • Enhance customer loyalty and trust by delivering consistent and reliable CX across all channels and touchpoints.

However, integrating ERP and CX systems is not a trivial task. It requires a robust and flexible platform that can connect disparate systems and data sources, as well as enable data governance, security, and quality. Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP and Oracle Fusion Cloud CX are built on the same platform, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), which provides a seamless and secure integration between the two applications.

Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP and Oracle Fusion Cloud CX also share common data models, user interfaces, workflows, and analytics capabilities. This means that businesses can access and use ERP data in CX applications without any data duplication or inconsistency. For example, they can:

  • Use ERP data to create customer segments and personas in CX applications, and target them with relevant marketing campaigns and offers.
  • Use ERP data to create product catalogs and price lists in CX applications, and display them on e-commerce websites and mobile apps.
  • Use ERP data to track inventory levels and availability in CX applications, and inform customers about product availability and delivery options.
  • Use ERP data to generate invoices and receipts in CX applications, and send them to customers via email or SMS.
  • Use ERP data to monitor customer feedback and satisfaction in CX applications, and identify areas for improvement or innovation.

By integrating ERP and CX systems with Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP and Oracle Fusion Cloud CX, businesses can unlock the full potential of their ERP data and deliver superior customer experience. To learn more about how Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP and Oracle Fusion Cloud CX can help you achieve this goal.

How to Get Financial Analysis Right with Fusion Apps

Financial Analysis Right with Fusion Apps

Financial analysis is a crucial process for any business that wants to make informed decisions and optimize performance. However, many businesses struggle with financial analysis due to various challenges, such as:

  • Data silos that prevent a holistic view of the financial situation
  • Manual and error-prone processes that consume time and resources
  • Lack of collaboration and communication among stakeholders
  • Inadequate tools and systems that limit the scope and quality of analysis

Fortunately, Fusion Apps can help businesses overcome these challenges and get financial analysis right. Fusion Apps are a suite of cloud-based applications that integrate data, processes, and analytics across the entire business. With Fusion Apps, businesses can:

  • Access real-time and accurate data from multiple sources and systems
  • Automate and streamline workflows and tasks
  • Enable cross-functional collaboration and sharing of insights
  • Leverage advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to generate actionable recommendations

Here are some examples of how Fusion Apps can improve financial analysis for different scenarios:

Budgeting and Planning

Fusion Apps can help businesses create and manage budgets and plans that align with their strategic goals and objectives. With Fusion Apps, businesses can:

  • Use scenario modeling and what-if analysis to evaluate different options and outcomes
  • Create flexible and dynamic budgets and plans that adapt to changing conditions
  • Monitor and track performance against budgets and plans
  • Identify and address variances and issues

Financial Reporting and Consolidation

Fusion Apps can help businesses produce and deliver accurate and timely financial reports that comply with regulatory standards and requirements. With Fusion Apps, businesses can:

  • Consolidate data from multiple entities and currencies
  • Automate and validate data collection and reconciliation
  • Apply rules and adjustments to ensure consistency and accuracy
  • Generate and distribute reports in various formats and channels

Financial Forecasting and Analysis

Fusion Apps can help businesses forecast and analyze their financial performance and position. With Fusion Apps, businesses can:

  • Use predictive analytics and machine learning to generate reliable forecasts
  • Perform variance analysis and root cause analysis to understand drivers of performance
  • Conduct sensitivity analysis and risk analysis to assess potential impacts
  • Create dashboards and visualizations to communicate findings and recommendations

Fusion Apps are designed to help businesses get financial analysis right by providing them with the data, tools, and capabilities they need. By using Fusion Apps, businesses can gain insights, improve decision-making, and enhance performance.

How to Plan Your Fusion Applications Journey

AI GenAI and Oracle Fusion Apps

If you are considering moving to Oracle Fusion Applications, you might be wondering how to plan your transition and what steps to take. In this blog post, we will share some tips and resources to help you create a roadmap for your Fusion journey.

What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a strategic plan that outlines the goals, milestones, and deliverables of a project or initiative. A roadmap helps you align your vision with your stakeholders, communicate your progress, and manage expectations.

Why do you need a roadmap for Fusion?

Oracle Fusion Applications is a suite of cloud-based applications that covers various business functions, such as finance, human resources, supply chain, customer experience, and more. Fusion offers many benefits, such as:

  • Modern user interface and user experience
  • Built-in analytics and reporting
  • Flexible and scalable architecture
  • Continuous innovation and updates
  • Integration with other Oracle and third-party applications

However, moving to Fusion is not a simple switch. It requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. You need to consider factors such as:

  • Your current business processes and requirements
  • Your existing applications and data
  • Your budget and timeline
  • Your change management and training needs
  • Your technical and functional capabilities

A roadmap helps you address these factors and define a clear path for your Fusion journey. It also helps you avoid common pitfalls, such as:

  • Scope creep and unrealistic expectations
  • Lack of stakeholder buy-in and support
  • Insufficient testing and validation
  • Poor data quality and migration
  • Resistance to change and adoption

How to create a roadmap for Fusion?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a roadmap for Fusion. Each organization has its own unique needs and challenges. However, here are some general steps that you can follow:

  1. Assess your current state. Analyze your current business processes, applications, data, and pain points. Identify the gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  2. Define your future state. Envision your desired business outcomes, benefits, and capabilities with Fusion. Prioritize the most critical and valuable areas for your organization.
  3. Evaluate your options. Explore the different ways to move to Fusion, such as coexistence, reimplementation, or upgrade. Compare the pros and cons of each option in terms of cost, time, risk, and complexity.
  4. Choose your path. Select the best option for your organization based on your assessment, definition, and evaluation. Consider factors such as your readiness, resources, dependencies, and constraints.
  5. Plan your journey. Break down your path into manageable phases, tasks, and milestones. Assign roles and responsibilities, allocate resources, estimate costs and timelines, and define success criteria.
  6. Execute your plan. Implement your roadmap with proper governance, monitoring, and control. Track your progress, measure your results, and manage any issues or changes.
  7. Review and refine. Evaluate your performance, feedback, and lessons learned at each stage of your journey. Adjust your roadmap as needed to ensure alignment with your goals.

Where to find resources for Fusion?

Oracle provides various resources to help you create and execute your roadmap for Fusion. Some of these resources include:

  • Oracle Cloud Customer Connect: A community platform where you can interact with other Fusion customers, partners, and experts. You can find forums, blogs, events, webinars, videos, podcasts, white papers, best practices, FAQs, tips, tricks, and more.
  • Oracle Cloud Learning Subscriptions: A comprehensive online learning solution that covers all aspects of Fusion applications. You can access courses, videos, labs, exams, certifications, updates, and more.
  • Oracle Cloud Customer Success: A dedicated team of Oracle experts who can help you achieve success with Fusion applications. You can access services such as guidance, coaching, mentoring, support, advocacy, adoption, and more.


Oracle Fusion Applications is a powerful solution that can transform your business in the cloud. However, moving to Fusion requires careful planning and execution. A roadmap can help you define and achieve your goals with Fusion applications.

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